Energy Regulation

As energy regulatory lawyers, we help our clients understand and leverage relevant state, regional, and federal energy regulatory frameworks and financial incentive programs. Clients that leverage our energy regulatory experience are primarily in the areas of clean energy and clean technology and include emerging companies, mature companies, equity investors, lenders, nonprofits, and public entities.

Our firm is a leading authority on and active participant in the development and interpretation of a wide range of regulations and policies governing renewable energy development in Massachusetts including those concerning net metering, renewable energy certificates (RECs), interconnection standards, back-up rates, public procurement of renewable energy and related services, and property taxation of renewable energy facilities. Prior to joining our firm, one of our attorneys, while working for the Massachusetts legislature, was a key author of the Massachusetts Green Communities Act of 2008 and subsequently, as counsel to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, directed all legislative and policy initiatives at the state and federal level and oversaw numerous projects related to a range of agency initiatives, including solar development, biofuels, combined heat and power, and transportation.

We also represent clients in administrative proceedings before energy regulatory agencies relating to the electric and gas industry and alternative energy interests.